GOAL 4: Financial and Strategic Planning
Excel in strategic and financial planning. .
Overarching Objectives:
Reorganize Leadership Staffing Aligned With Strategic Plan
Create and fund a leadership and support structure for NPS that furthers service and leadership in special education and ensures RTI implementation in both SEL and Academics; develops a Diversity Officer and Family
Engagement Center Lead.
Develop Long-range Support Mode to Fund 'Title I: Next Generation' Program
Develop financials to sustain added ESSER supports which will need to replace dropping Title I revenue stream.
Address Immediate Space Needs
Begin MSBA process for Memorial School & Johnson School Decisions.
Develop Capital Campaign $12M for Memorial Field house and classrooms (space NHS).
Develop strategies for overcrowding at NHS and lack of capacity to offer all needed electives and advanced placement courses.
Develop New Post-Covid 3-Year Financial, Natick Values and Staffing Plan in Concert With Town Partners
Two teams of leaders will participate in leadership seminars with town partners and develop joint goals; joint planning for use of ARPA funds and strategy creation / override planning.
Submit for meritorious budget review process, round 1.
Develop long-range capital plan with new facilities director and new Town Administrator (TA).
Develop long-range financial strategy to fund Natick’s vision of comprehensive services.
Address personnel, policy and financial operating vision for Town of Natick with new TA.
Compensating Our Staff:
Negotiation of 6 Contracts as Baseline for Financial Modeling With Town
Develop compensation strategy with town partners.
Develop agreed-upon comparables for salaries in like cohort towns.
Successfully negotiate successor contracts for our 6 unions: Unit A/B, food service, facilities, paras, Title I, administrative assistants.
Determine/expand staff diversification and retention monies through grant an
operational sources, expand merit pool resources.