GOAL 4: Financial and Strategic Planning

Excel in strategic and financial planning. .

Overarching Objectives:

Reorganize Leadership Staffing Aligned With Strategic Plan
Create and fund a leadership and support structure for NPS that furthers service and leadership in special education and ensures RTI implementation in both SEL and Academics; develops a Diversity Officer and Family
Engagement Center Lead.

Develop Long-range Support Mode to Fund 'Title I: Next Generation' Program

Develop financials to sustain added ESSER supports which will need to replace dropping Title I revenue stream.

Address Immediate Space Needs

  • Begin MSBA process for Memorial School & Johnson School Decisions.

  • Develop Capital Campaign $12M for Memorial Field house and classrooms (space NHS).

  • Develop strategies for overcrowding at NHS and lack of capacity to offer all needed electives and advanced placement courses.

Develop New Post-Covid 3-Year Financial, Natick Values and Staffing Plan in Concert With Town Partners

  • Two teams of leaders will participate in leadership seminars with town partners and develop joint goals; joint planning for use of ARPA funds and strategy creation / override planning.

  • Submit for meritorious budget review process, round 1.

  • Develop long-range capital plan with new facilities director and new Town Administrator (TA).

  • Develop long-range financial strategy to fund Natick’s vision of comprehensive services.

  • Address personnel, policy and financial operating vision for Town of Natick with new TA.

Compensating Our Staff:
Negotiation of 6 Contracts as Baseline for Financial Modeling With Town

  • Develop compensation strategy with town partners.

  • Develop agreed-upon comparables for salaries in like cohort towns.

  • Successfully negotiate successor contracts for our 6 unions: Unit A/B, food service, facilities, paras, Title I, administrative assistants.

  • Determine/expand staff diversification and retention monies through grant an
    operational sources, expand merit pool resources.